Wednesday, January 9, 2013

REVIEW::: Carta Blanca lager

EDITOR'S NOTE! - Sorry for the delay on a review.  I knew the second beer to review would be hard to decide on.  I didn't want to go with a classic or an uberpopular beer either.  I think I picked a little outside the box with this one.  Enjoy!

Ah, mexican food.  If you are like me, you think an ice cold beer goes perfect with fajitas.  As long as it isn't too heavy, it's a perfect match.  It's like peanut butter and jelly.....for alcoholics.  Today, I present to you the case of Carta Blanca, a mexican lager.

That is my wife Aaron's elbow in the shot there.  Isn't she pretty?  

If Carta Blanca has one thing going for it, it's that it isn't too heavy.  Nothing would be worse than to try and drink something heavy and then have to miss out on half of your meal because you are so full.  Carta Blanca is a good match here.  Is it a perfect match?  No.

Notice I said "If Carta Blanca has one thing going for it".  One thing.  One out of many things a beer could have.  Great taste?  Not really.  It's quite bland.  Carta Blanca lacks something.  It lacks originality.  It lacks taste.  It lacks balls.

While it is definitely not the worst beer I've ever had (that's the next review I'll be writing), it's one that I will forget in a week that I even ordered.  You know those beers that you will always remember.  The ones you recommend to your friends and coworkers.  The ones you will tell your children about one day (I don't think it would make you a horrible parent).   The ones that legends are born of.  Carta Blanca isn't one of those.  It wouldn't surprise me if it were served anonymously in a hole in the wall bar in Progresso as 99 cent draft.  Trust me, cheap beer isn't bad, but I don't think anyone would ever admit it was stellar either.  Wait.  99 cent drafts in Mexico?  That would have to be converted to pesos.  Somebody do the conversion for me.

Should we drink Carta Blanca?  


I would personally go with a Dos Equis or a Modelo wth this pairing.  There are just better options than Carta Blanca.  I hope this review helps you next time you head to Los Frijoles or whatever.  Next time, I will review the worst beer I have ever had.  I have two left in my fridge.  Anyone want to do a second opinion?  I would be glad to part with one.  Please leave a few thoughts in the comments if you have the time.  Thanks for reading!

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